Thursday, December 11, 2008

I closed my eyes clicked my heels together said those magic words...

But I'm still at Elim.

Only 5 more days. Then I will be home again.Whatever that means. I'm not sure if home is something I can understand at this point. It's so liquid. Which is fine.

These walls are made of rubber...I swear... and I am using them to their full extent. That's right folks I am throwing myself at them wildly and of course they are spitting me right onto the ground. Which is made of wood. I am splinter free thus far. I'm sure the pain will catch up to me soon always does...doesn't it?

I have been exploring the caves inside my brain as of late and man(or woman...I'm not picky) are there some jems in there! I was beginning to think it was ash and soot. Beyond the rubble and common thoughts are some unexplored planets with civilizations of their own. Each with their own motives and plans. I cannot seem to connect the dots like, cassiopeia, it's just too vast to comprehend. I don't really mind though I have my miner hat on extra batteries in my pocket a pick ax in my hand. I'm all set but if the world doesn't mind I'd like to sort this one out on my own. I have many sources flying at me it's too confusing and I'm tired of ducking.

I just put on a hat. It's 12:43 but I felt a need to blog in a hat. It's from the year. That's all.

Tomorrow I just may dig a hole...but for now I would like to talk about my floor cushion.

Aunt Susie bought it for me. I love it whenever I get tired of where I am I sit on it and suddenly I see the world anew. It's quite refreshing. If you are bored with an angle try a different view.

Miss list:

Brittany Marie
Lacy Ann
Sleeping on the couch
Back to the Futureathons
Pop's cooking
Not doing homework
Wheat thins
Fresh Salads
The Fruit Bowl
Sitting on the kitchen table
Trumping around the house like a maniac
Grocery shopping with ma
Dog walking
The rain
Office quoting with sis
Towel snapping with pop
Benjamina Gunn
Pastor Rick

I must quit. My fingers could carry on I however cannot not.

Until we meet again:
Good night & bittersweet dreams or Good morning & wonderful life ahead...

A bit of truth before the sandman bids me hello:

Philippians 1:3-6(the message)

Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God. Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer. I find myself praying for you with a glad heart. I am so pleased that you have continued on in this with us, believing and proclaiming God's Message, from the day you heard it right up to the present. There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears.

No matter how we start there is still a chance to win in the end.


kimberley said...

How thoroughly enjoyable dear friend. thank you for sharing! I love the bit about the caverns of your mind. Oh Callie, I miss thee! And I must say, I am impressed I am on the list before Jetta! Tee Hee...

I love you!! I hope these 5 days pass quickly! I can't wait to wrap my arms around you and sit and talk and pray and laugh and cry (okay you might not cry but there is a good chance I will! And you know it!)

Love and hugs Cal,

PS -- it must be said that the word verification for this page this time is: and I quote: "tastme"!! wow. lol

Nathan.D.Moyer said...
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Nathan.D.Moyer said...

CALLIE!! :) You're almost home! You know, we have to eat sushi @ our favorite place :)

It'll be fun :)

Miss you much!!!


Unknown said...

I'm so glad that I made your miss list! You definitely at the top of mine!!! I love you so very much and cannot wait until we a reunited once again!

BrittanyMarie said...

Oh, My Callie, I'm really really excited to see you and I'm pretty sure I'm going to cry when I do. I've decided that it's okay. Well actually, WE decided! : )

Also, I'm happy that you have been spelunking lately. : )

Rhianna said...

Yay for you coming home soon! I am so excited to see you!