Friday, January 18, 2008

WOP-Week of Prayer

By awesome deeds you answer us with righteousness,
O God of our salvation,
the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas;
the one who by his strength established the mountains,being girded with might;
who stills the roaring of the seas,the roaring of their waves,
the tumult of the peoples,
so that those who dwell at the ends of the earth are in awe at your signs.
You make the going out of the morning and the evening to shout for joy.
Psalm 65:5-8

As I begin to type I cannot put it all into words what God has done. This week instead of going to classes like normal we spent the week in prayer over a variety of topics:Our world,our nation,our home towns,Lima,our families,our friends,ourselves,we repented and we cried out for God in worship-we prayed from 8:30 in the morning til 9:00 at night we short breaks in between. Here just a few things God did in me:

Restoration:God has restored my hope in a future ministry. He has breathed into me new vision and set on fire old vision. He has challenged me to pick up my ministry and run with it. God has said to me;"I want you to spend 15 minutes a day working on your ministry,by the time you graduate I will have used that plan,after all your plan is my plan."

Healing: God has healed my heart. I had felt heart sick for a long time. Sick because I felt so dry. Sick because I felt abandoned. God placed his hand on my heart and breathed new life into me.

Compassion:A friend of mine prayed compassion over me,God said through her this:"Callie God is going to give you the gift of compassion,you are going to care when no one else cares and love like never before."And God did just that my heart aches for those around me, those at home and those I've never met. I weep(I quite literally at times for those with needs) and for the first time I am not afraid of the tears and the joyful sorrow I feel for them.

Prayer:God has given me a new heart for prayer like never before. Most of the time I'm so selfish to pray for my home town or my nation but God has challenged me to seek his will and power for the world...for the unreached nations,for the broken,the needy,for the hopeless,the orphans,widows,for the media,for the political leaders.

Forgiveness: This week our focus was on two things the great commission and the greatest commandment(s). We heard this amazing message from Sister Clark. And she talked about forgiving your enemy and loving them as yourself. One thing that she said that really hit home was"you know you have truly forgiven someone when you can sit across from them and be friends." That night I forgave so many people. People I haven not even thought about in a long time.

Those are just a few :) I will write more later. Pray for me as I pray for you and we can stand in the gap for eachother.